Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I have inherited a SQL SERVER 2000 project from a colleague and we have a monthly SQL SERVER job that reindexes all the indexes in a reporting table (it contains archived records up to 1 year old, averaging close to 15 million rows). This table receives fresh data from another table in a different database every night (close to 30000 rows).

Since there is a monthly job that rebuilds all the indexes, there will be a single day every month when the rebuilding of indexes will clash with insertion of those new rows. I haven't been able to find a specific TSQL construct that I can use in my INSERT stored procedure to see if the table is currently locked for rebuilding indexes before trying to insert the rows. Specifically, I wouldn't insert the rows that night because the table is being reindexed.

Please let me know if there is such a facility in Server 2000 to find out the current indexing status. Also, I wouldn't mind alternate solutions to the above problem.

Thanks in advance!
Your ETL Job could check to see if the re-indexing Job is running, and if so, have the ETL job take a pass for an hour [ WAITFOR DELAY '001:00:00' ], then check again, etc.|||

Sorry to ask the obvious, but how to check if the job is running? Specifically, from within SQL Server and outside SQL Server? I guess at this point in time I am just curious to find out both alternatives.

Thanks for the reply!


With SQL 2005, you could use sp_helpjobactivity.

However, with SQL 2000, it is a bit more trouble. You can check the msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory, column run_status, looking for run_status = 4 (in progress).


Great tip!

OK, here is a more reliability-related question... I have never dealt with the SQL Server Job Agent (believe me, I have complete faith in SQL Server 2005, but this is 2000's job agent), but I am hoping to find out how reliable the Agent is in 2000? I only bring up this question because you mentioned in your previous post that "with SQL Server 2000, it is a bit more trouble." Of course looking at the schema of that table (sysjobhistory), this doesn't seem to be too hard!

Thanks again for the quick replies, Arnie!


My experience with SQL 2000 SQL Agent is that it is very reliable.

However, sometimes the JobHistory table seems to have some latency. If a Job 'should' be running, and the run_status <> 4, I will also cross check a the start_time against the end_time. Keep in mind that an entry is added to the JobHistory table when the Job starts, and if the end_time is NULL, then it has not finished.


Alternatively you could use the stored procedure 'sp_help_job' to determine the job's status.

See here for more info:

...or here (note that this link refers to SQL Server 7 but the syntax should still apply to SQL Server 2000):


|||Thanks, Chris!

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