Thursday, March 29, 2012


A few days ago, I made some structure changes to 5 tables and added
some indexes to them.
This caused the mdf file size to increase from 82GB to 109GB. Because
our development and training boxes do not have enough disk space, I
tried to shrink the file so that the database can fit into the
development box when I do a restore.
I created a job to run the following at 3AM:
DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'Nu_Data', 85000)
At 6AM, the job crashed with the following error.
Transaction (Process ID 66) was deadlocked on lock resources with
another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the
Our database is running transactional replication. Do I need to pause
the replication and set the database in single user mode before
executing the DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'N_Data', 85000)?
alter database Nu
set single_user with ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE
DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'Nu_Data', 85000)
alter database Nu
set multi_user
Execute DBCC SHRINKFILE when there is no active transacton in progress for that database. Check this by executing
DBCC OPENTRAN(DBNAME). It can be a replication process or it can can be a normal user connecting to the server and using some DML.
So execute the SHRINKFILE command when there is no activity in the database. Preferably do not schedule this as a job, rather do it manually if it is a production serve
-- KC wrote: --
A few days ago, I made some structure changes to 5 tables and adde
some indexes to them
This caused the mdf file size to increase from 82GB to 109GB. Becaus
our development and training boxes do not have enough disk space,
tried to shrink the file so that the database can fit into th
development box when I do a restore
I created a job to run the following at 3AM
DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'Nu_Data', 85000
At 6AM, the job crashed with the following error
Transaction (Process ID 66) was deadlocked on lock resources wit
another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun th
Our database is running transactional replication. Do I need to paus
the replication and set the database in single user mode befor
executing the DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'N_Data', 85000)
alter database N
set single_user with ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE
DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'Nu_Data', 85000
alter database N
set multi_use

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